How do I enter more than one tag on the same file?

RobW 10 years ago updated by RobW home 10 years ago 3
I enter a tag for a particular file. Later, I go back to the Edit Tags page and click the Edit Tags link for a the file I already tagged. I type a new tag into the Edit Tags dialog box but when I click Save, nothing happens, the dialog bot remains open and I have to click Cancel to get out. The tag doesn't get saved. How do I enter more than one tag on the same file?
I rebooted my system and opened the browser page and now I can add a tag. Now when I click Edit Tags, the Edit Tags dialog pops up with the current tag listed. I add a comma and the new tag.

It seems to stop working after I add a few new tags. I don't want to reboot each time I enter new tags.
Some more information:

  1. In the Edit Tags table, the Tags column only shows the first tag you entered since rebooting. I can successfully add tags to additional files but these tags don't show up in the Tags column until after I reboot. It's like all tags I enter after the first one are in limbo - they're in the database because I can search on them but they don't show up in the table.
  2. I'm unable to add additional tags to any file whose previously entered tags don't show up in the Tags column. In other words, I can't add additional tags to files that have tags in limbo.
  3. After reboot, all the tags I entered during the previous session show up in the Tags column - they've come out of limbo. Just like before the reboot, only the first tag I add after the reboot shows up in the Tags column and all subsequent tags I enter go into limbo.
  4. Edit Tags only works on files that haven't had their tags edited during this boot cycle. Said another way, if I edit a file's tags, I can only edit that file's tags again if I reboot.
This is RobW working from home. I installed Taggtool 5 at home and things work much better. I don't have the problem with tags going into limbo. All the tags show up in the Edit Tags table as I enter them. Unfortunately, my need for taggtool is at work.