program runs, but service not working at boot, manual restart required to work -windows 10-

pierredes3d 9 years ago updated by phillip 9 years ago 8

when i boot windows 10, i see the system icon indicating the server runs. But when I try to browse the webgui, it doesnt show up. In windows services, I does show the service as running, but obviously it doesnt work correctly. When I disable it and then restart it, the page shows up and everything works fine.

I've tried to do something to get to a solution myself, but so far without result.

- uninstalled both the tool (keeping the files it leaves in \Program Files\Taggtool Ltd\Taggtool 5 Server\ ) and all the java JRE's installed

- reinstalled java 32bit

- reinstalled taggtool with 64bit JRE

After this, the server system icon does not show up in system tray at boot (strange?), but, it IS running (shows in task manager) and the service also runs (except that i still have to manualy restart it to actualy bring up the webgui).

FYI, some specs

- browser used: Chrome

- windows 10 pro x64

- cpu i7 3820

- gpu nvidia gtx 680

- ram 16gb ddr3

- booting from SSD

thank you for the info, I will attempt to reproduce this issue and resolve asap.

Tried to reproduce with Windows 10 home edition, service starts correctly and web gui is accessible.

Note: There are 2 separate programs which make up the Taggtool server. The actual server which runs as a service and a small task tray app which is used to launch local files for editing with the default application.

Can you confirm that the service is indeed running, thanks.

yes i am aware there are 2 different programs running.

I have found out something, but first, the screenshot you asked for, confirming the service is running:

As I mentioned earlier, the green icon in systemtray is not showing up when starting windows. I thought at first the actual program was running, but this seems to be the server service process, as shown in the taskmanager:

After I manualy start the LocalFileLauncher.exe, the green icon does show up and the webgui works (now I dont have to restart the actual service). And an extra process is now running:

So, it appears, something does not go right when starting up. I noticed it actually has a presence in the startup tab:

Also the all-user startup folder:

But when i go into regedit, it does not find a single entry in any of the Run/RunOnce keys

I hope this provides enough info for you, if not, let me know.

FYI the server output log is empty

thanks for the information. This is very strange, the web gui has no direct link to the local file launcher - it has been designed to work without it.

Are there any entries in the other log files, namely: error.txt and output.txt?

For something that is designed to be independent of the localfilelauncher, it seems to behave pretty dependent on that though ;D

From output.log

ERROR Analytics - java.net.UnknownHostException: api.mixpanel.com

Haven't seen this error before (when i checked the log), don't know why it would show all of a sudden, but maybe it could be it.

Btw I will try and install it at home (w10x64pro) as well - see if it makes a difference.

For me the problem is that though all programs are running:

LocalFileLauncher 5.0.6 © Taggtool Ltd., Inc, 2015
Taggtool 5 5.0.6 © Taggtool Ltd., Inc, 2015
|-Taggtool 5 Server

there is no GUI at all!
Double clicking Taggtool 5.exe results in minute program window blink and that's all.

There is also no single entry in neither log file.

(Windows 10 Pro)

Hi, there should be a Taggtool shortcut on the desktop - what happens when you launch that? It should open your default browser as this version of Taggtool has been developed with a web GUI.